
Rug, Fine Fabric, and Textile Acid Neutralizing Rinse/Treatment

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Rug, Fine Fabric, and Textile Acid Neutralizing Rinse/Treatment

RinseOut is a specially formulated neutralizing, detergent free acid rinse for the final step in the safe and effective cleaning of Oriental Rugs, Natural Fabric Upholstery, Investment Textiles, and Carpeting. RinseOut is also effective at fabric and textile treatment to prevent or correct cellulosic or chemical browning, yellowing, and to stabilize dyes and colors. RinseOut neutralizes alkaline and detergent residues and leaves the rug, fabric or carpet with a softer feel.

It is safe to use on wool and other natural fabrics, as well as synthetic fibers. It can also assist in dissolving and breaking down pet urine deposits as well as road salt and ice melt tracking. RinseOut contains corrosion inhibitors to protect your equipment. RinseOut is an ultra-concentrated product that will make up to 320 gallons of neutralizing rinse.


California’s Cleaning Product Right to Know Act of 2017:

Rinse Out: Contains fragrance allergens: limonene, CAS 5989-27-5 Benzyl benzoate, CAS 120-51-4