Escalator Tread Spot Cleaner

EscalatorTread Spot Cleaner

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Escalator Tread Spot Cleaner

Specially developed to work with the TreadMaster® Escalator Cleaning System, this fast acting spot cleaner is designed especially for use on aluminum escalator steps. Spot Cleaner is non-flammable and non-conductive so it can be used while motor and equipment are operating.

  • Specially developed to work with the TreadMaster® Escalator Cleaning System, this fast acting spot cleaner is designed especially for use on aluminum escalator steps. Spot Cleaner is non-flammable and non-conductive so it can be used while motor and equipment are operating.
  • Cleaner is non-flammable and non-conductive so it can be used while motor and equipment are operating.  It is nonconductive to over 18 KV per ASTM D-877 and will not cause “freeze out” or attract moisture when used as directed.
  • It quickly and easily removes dirt, dust, light oils, and other deposits from escalator treads and other electronic components and devices.
  • A specialized blend of cleaning agents, Escalator Spot Tread Cleaner is a fast-acting spot cleaner safe for use on most escalators. There is no shock hazard, no flammability hazard, and no water to interfere with proper escalator operation.
  • Product cannot ship airfreight


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