Category: Customer Communication

My customers have never asked me about IICRC Certification.” This statement is usually written somewhere in social media or spoken in the halls of a supplier showroom or trade show just prior to an explanation about why that person is...

How to Successfully Market your Business During a Pandemic
Please click below to view the webinar by Bill Yeadon and Doyle Bloss on marketing your business during a pandemic!

Emerging Opportunities: A FREE Webinar Series from HydraMaster
We have all of the resources from our Emerging Opportunities webinars below for you to take advantage of, to skip ahead to a particular section please choose from the following: Session 1 - The Rise of Deep Cleaning |...

Communicating with your customer before the residential cleaning job
Great! Now you have the job booked! So what should you communicate with the customer prior to the visit? There are different names for it, and many different ways to communicate it (a printed sheet when you book the job,...

The Goal of Upholstery Cleaning
In pursuing how to properly clean upholstery, we learn about how upholstery is constructed; i.e., we learn about fiber content, weaves, finishes, and construction of the fabric can all affect the outcome of the cleaning. You have to be concerned...