Gearhead? Performance Freak? Dual wand beast? Want everything the biggest and baddest?

You are not compromising anything when you invest in a HydraMaster Direct Drive 54279639_822049554837718_439440575322652672_nTruckmount

Whether your focus on simply on wanting to have the highest level of performance and power; or you are driven by an intense dedication to desired cleaning job outcomes (cleaner carpet,  maximum appearance improvement, and faster drying times); you may feel like your next truckmount investment needs to be focused on the biggest and baddest truckmount  out there. You may have even heard or been told a HydraMaster Direct Drive Truckmount can’t match the performance of some 50+HP powered  large slide-in truckmount.  If you can take the emotional attachment out of it, when you do a quick fact check, or even better, actually use a direct drive truckmount, you will find out that they deliver everything you are demanding, and then some.

Let’s look at some of the most commonly brought up ideas about max performance from a truckmount:


Um this one is kind of a no-brainer. The HydraMaster CDS and CDS xDRIVE get their 49948453_783916835317657_7354452056343576576_npower from a 200+HP water cooled engine. But it is not just about engine size. It is about the efficient transfer of power to the other components of a truckmount at the lowest consumption of gas. A HydraMaster Direct Drive truckmount powers up to a 4.8 positive displacement vacuum blower and all of the other components, and only consumes between 1.3 and 1.7 gph of gas.


Instead of focusing on the randomly assigned number scheme on the vacuum blower, consider that you are trying to be able to maintain vacuum performance even as your vacuum hose runs extend beyond the traditional 150-200’ “pull” of an average residential home. It’s all about extraction efficiency and reduced drying time – whether you are cleaning a 1200 square foot house, a multi-level apartment building, or a 250,000 square foot convention center.  The most important person to satisfy with your vacuum power is your customer. If the carpet dries faster, they are happy. Vacuum performance tables tell the story that gearheads often want to ignore – there is very little more usable vacuum performance out of a so called #5 blower than the high performance vacuum blower system in the CDS xDRIVE. So stretch out those long hose runs of 400’ feet or more. In fact, we will stack the vacuum performance of the CDS and CDS xDRIVE right up against those big bad slide ins that cost more than $35,000.


This is another easy one. A direct drive truckmount gets it heat source from the same things as the “biggest, baddest” truckmount – the engine, the blower exhaust, and collected ambient hot air. With the HydraMaster CDS xDRIVE, you even have the additional source of cooling the controller. A direct drive truckmount transfers the engine heat of a 200HP+ engine versus a 30-60HP water cooled engine of the biggest and baddest slide-ins. In the end, you are producing 200-245 F solution temperatures to the cleaning job. HydraMaster CDS xDRIVE owners who have operated larger slide-in models tell us that their xDRIVE gets a higher level of consistent heat.

Dual wand cleaning

Let’s address this from a practical and a theoretical standpoint. First, dual wand cleaning is no problem with the HydraMaster CDS and CDS xDRIVE. In fact they have always been plumbed for both solution temperature and vacuum recovery to be fully ready to efficiently dual wand clean. Side by side, you will see they maintain just as high of a temperature and vacuum CFM under a dual wand load as the biggest slide-ins. But let’s just say you are one of those performance freaks who want triple wand capacity. The first question I would ask is how often do you anticipate having the need for triple wand cleaning? Perhaps a few times per year?  Multiple wands cleaning is just as much about how you set the job site up, and how your technicians work together as it is about the capacity of your truckmount. Doesn’t matter how big of a blower you have if one of your technicians is taking a break and has the wand leaning up against the wall.

So if you only need triple wand cleaning a few times a year, you have a couple of choices:

  1. You can invest $35,000 to $40,000 in a slide-in truckmount that you are going to use to its full capacity less than 5% of the time. This means that 95% of the time, you are spending more on gas and consumption than you really need to. Plus during those 95% of jobs, your total equipment investment can only be used on one job site.
  2. For about the same amount of money as one of those big, bad truckmounts, you can buy a HydraMaster CDS Direct Drive truckmount and a Boxxer 318 Slide-in. If you need three wands on a few jobs you’ve got it. Plus you can book two jobs instead of one the rest of the time

Pressure washing capabilities

This is really a matter of how much solution pressure you need. The 1200 psi produced by your HydraMaster Direct Drive Truckmount, along with the heating system, will allow you to adequately do most pressure washing jobs. Most of the big, bad truckmounts come with a 2000 or 3000 psi solution pressure capacity. If you have never pressure washed with 3000 psi, you need to be careful. That level of focused stream can sometimes cause damage to wood, floor and wall grout, and more. Once again, how many jobs would you need 3000 psi on? If you have a whole bunch of jobs requiring 3000psi, why not just invest in a $3000 – $4000 Hot water pressure washer?

You are not compromising

So as you can see a HydraMaster Direct Drive Truckmount provides to you all the power and performance you are demanding, and then some. Ready to open your gear filled mind to the possibility that a Direct Drive truckmount delivers everything you need? Follow this link here. We promise to let you be your gearhead self with your new HydraMaster CDS or CDS xDRIVE.


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