Top 10 Reasons to have a FreshWater Tank on Board Your Truck

What advantages does having a freshwater tank provide to your carpet cleaning and restoration operations?


Now more than ever, we recognize that room in your van is at a premium. With so many cleaners and restorers diversifying into hard surface cleaning, rug cleaning, water damage restoration and more, the need to haul more equipment and customer belongings is greater than ever. So when examining whether to make the extra investment required to mount a fresh water tank or hose reel/freshwater tank combination in your van, finding the right mix of how to use your space for greatest benefit is very important.

We asked a group of experienced professional carpet cleaners who had made the decision to start carrying freshwater with them, what the most important benefits they discovered that led them to that decision. Here is a summary of their top 10 reasons:
10) No stumbling around in gardens and behind thorny bushes trying to find a hose hook-up
9) On commercial jobs, you won’t spend 45 minutes looking for a water hose hook-up only to find out you don’t have the right adapter
8) You can ensure that your freshwater comes from a clean, consistent source
7) One less hose to have to run
6) Easier and faster set-up, quicker and more efficient tear down on every job
5) Completely self-contained operation
4) Reduce job cancellations on sites where water access is locked up or water has been turned off.
3) Make sure you have water available on restoration jobs where availability might be in question
2) Water rationing in drought stricken areas may require it (as you are allowed to use water when your customers usage may be extremely limited)
1) Choosing the right kind of tank means you don’t have to take up any floor space in the van that your truckmount is already not taking up.

Here are just some of the choices you have with HydraMaster:
70 gal Sub-Mount Tank – Fresh Water Supply

110 gal. over-the-wheelwell poly tank

125 gal. HydraCradle Tank

85 gal. Roto-Molded R-M Tank

120 gal. Horizontal Tank

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