Tag: blitz with greasebreaker

A good portion of the country is about to emerge from one of the most prolonged winters in a long time. In many parts of the country residential carpet cleaning was brought to a virtual standstill for weeks on end....

The 7 Most Common Misconceptions about Carpet Cleaning Chemistry – Part 2 – Cheaper is always better
Misconception #2 – Cheaper is always better - not understanding dilution rates in calculating the cost of chemicals I was once having a conversation with a facility manager about carpet cleaning chemical cost and the budget she was being asked...

The 7 Most Common Misconceptions about Carpet Cleaning Chemistry – Part 1 – MORE DOES BETTER
Whether you have been in the business for many years or are brand new, it is not hard to run into strongly stated opinions about carpet cleaning chemistry that may sound correct, but when really investigated turn out to be...