
We have created a series of promotional items that you can use to communicate the importance of professional deep cleaning to your customers!


Packed full of printable and electronic (social medial) ads and flyers you can use to communicate the health, appearance, confidence, and peace restoring capabilities of on-site professional deep cleaning in both residential and commercial environments.This campaign can be intertwined with your existing marketing campaigns to provide a rapid boost in growth to your business.


This program is packed with great resources for Professional Cleaners to help grow and enhance your business:

  • Health Benefits of Deep Cleaning Commercial Carpets, Residential Carpets, and Upholstery
  • HydraMaster and the RX20 Advantage for Commercial and Residential Carpets
  • Training and Certification Credibility
  • Coupon ads
  • Upholstery Cleaning Ads
  • Complete Guard Protector Sales Page



Valued at $699!