Category: Chemical Solutions

Find out more about when your prespray might need a boost in cleaning, and which booster to use with Doyle at HydraMaster.

Removing Children’s Fruit Drink Stains from Carpet
Removing red drink spills from carpet with Doyle at HydraMaster

How to remove coffee stains from carpet
A detailed explanation of why coffee reacts differently when you are trying to remove it, and procedures for how to remove it effectively with Doyle at HydraMaster.

How to remove permanent marker and shoe polish stains from carpet
Step by step procedures from removing show polish or permanent (magic) marker stains from carpeting with Doyle at HydraMaster

What needs to be in your carpet spot and stain removal kit
How to build your own stain removal kit, or where to purchase one to have your customers thrilled at your results with Doyle at HydraMaster

Professional Spot & Stain Removal Procedures for Carpet
Here are the basic rules for how to approach spots and stains on a job site with Doyle at HydraMaster.

What kinds of odors do professional carpet cleaners encounter in their daily cleaning operations?
During a typical day, professional carpet cleaners may encounter a wide variety of odor problems that their customer needs assistance dealing with - pet urine, body odors, Cooking odors, tobacco odors, general odors, water intrusion and water damage, bacterial based...

Leave No Stain Behind
In a study a few years back conducted with consumers who have had their carpet professionally cleaned, the interviewer asked them why they hired a professional carpet cleaner. One of the top THREE reasons provided by the respondents is because...

Why you still want to use a Urine Pretreatment on virtually every pet urine job
Deodorizing treatments for pet urine contamination have come a long way in our industry. There was a time when cleaners used some strong solvent based deodorizer and hoped the incredibly powered fragrance would overwhelm the atmosphere. Today, there are many...