Category: Selecting the Right Product

You Should Have Already Noticed the Unprecedented Rise of Luxury Vinyl Plank Floors Luxury Vinyl Plank continues to be the fastest growing floor covering material. At first glance to the professional carpet cleaning, the meteoric rise in the market share...

What does 11 million new pet owners mean for your carpet and floor cleaning business?
Learn more about why pet urine stain and odor problems are bigger than ever before and about the latest technology to deal with them - ODORSLAYER from HydraMaster

The Pandemic Has Made Your Ability to Treat Pet Urine Stains and Odors More Important Than Ever… and HydraMaster has Introduced Revolutionary New Technology to Help Do Just That
Why is the demand for the professional treatment of pet urine increasing? According to a survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association in 2019, Sixty-seven percent of U.S. households, or about 85 million families, own a pet. According to...

Upholstery Cleaning Chemicals
You wouldn't use a carpet wand to clean upholstery, so dont use carpet cleaning chemicals. Use the right chemicals for your upholstery jobs, learn how with Doyle and Shawn at HydraMaster.

Dealing with Water Damage Related Odors
Botaniphase uses natural thyme oil to help you safely and effectively treat odors related to water damage or water intrusion, including mold, mustiness, and more. Learn about it below with Doyle at HydraMaster.

How to deal with pet urine stains and odor problems
You don't have an hour to wait. Unleash your attack right now with our deodorizing solutions, learn more with Doyle at HydraMaster.