Category: Carpet and Rugs

Misconception #3 – You must use “Stain resist compatible” chemistry only, on warranted carpets When Du Pont introduced Stainmaster® (now owned by Invista) carpet in 1987, the spot and stain warranty that was tied to it really forever changed the...

The 7 Most Common Misconceptions about Carpet Cleaning Chemistry – Part 2 – Cheaper is always better
Misconception #2 – Cheaper is always better - not understanding dilution rates in calculating the cost of chemicals I was once having a conversation with a facility manager about carpet cleaning chemical cost and the budget she was being asked...

The 7 Most Common Misconceptions about Carpet Cleaning Chemistry – Part 1 – MORE DOES BETTER
Whether you have been in the business for many years or are brand new, it is not hard to run into strongly stated opinions about carpet cleaning chemistry that may sound correct, but when really investigated turn out to be...

Do you brush, jiggle, or swirl? – Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning
According to a recent survey published in Cleanfax Magazine, 4% of the respondents identified low moisture encapsulation cleaning as their primary carpet cleaning method. 54% said that they offer encapsulation as part of their carpet cleaning offerings, with truckmounted or...